All Natural Products for a Healthier You!
Why Opt for Natural Skin Care Products Rather Than Cosmetics?
Almost every one of us uses skin care products on a regular basis. Whether they are cosmetic or natural, more than 60% of the product we put on our skin ends up being absorbed in our body. For natural skin care products, it’s okay to be absorbed by our body, but what about the cosmetics with harmful artificial skin care ingredients? Cosmetics place an unnecessary burden on our body’s detoxification process and the chemicals used in them remain in the body for several months or even years before they completely eliminated. Natural skin care products and ingredients are...
Look Younger and More Youthful with Beta Glucan Cream
Acidophilus: One of Nature’s Good Bacteria
At Cape Fear Naturals we believe that natural products are a fundamental resource for maintaining health and the quality of life.
Lighten Age Spots and Freckles with Kojic Acid Cream
Kojic Acid is just one of many natural health products that we carry here at Cape Fear Naturals. Our customers appreciate our concern for their appearance and health.
Heal Quicker with All Natural Health Products
Many prescription medications actually interfere with the natural absorption of vitamins and minerals our bodies need.